Sat down at the keyboard today with a desire to get back to basics.

“In accordance with the ancient traditions of our people, we must first build an app that does nothing except say Hello world.” -Facebook’s React Native tutorial

So today I’m going to do a quick run thru of building a web server that returns ‘hello world’ as html and json, using Nginx and Docker under the covers.

please install Docker before proceeding


Let’s run some commands to get our project structure set up:

mkdir hello_world_docker_nginx
cd hello_world_docker_nginx
touch Dockerfile docker-compose.yml
mkdir src conf
touch src/index.html conf/nginx.conf

Here’s the basic structure of the project after the preceeding commands:

├── Dockerfile
├── conf
│   └── nginx.conf
├── docker-compose.yml
└── src
    └── index.html

Now lets toss some basic HTML in the index.html file:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>hello world</title>
    <h1>hello world</h1>

Cool. Now we need to set up our nginx.conf file. These suckers can be massively complicated but we are going to do the bare minimum.

events { }
http {
    server {
      location /api/ {
        return 200 '{ "message": "hello world" }';

      location / {
        root /src;

What we are doing here is setting up an HTTP server with 2 “locations” or endpoints:

  • /api/ returns a JSON payload with a 200 status
  • / the root which serves up our src directory, which by default serves the index.html file. Therefore we don’t need to specify the index.html file here.
  • the events block is required by Nginx but I won’t cover that here. Read more if you desire.

Continued in part two!.html)