slick codegen on postgres views
Slick has become my favorite library for doing SQL with Scala.
The Schema Code Generator is especially powerful - just point it at a database and it generates the needed code to access the db using the Slick DSL.
I found that when using this feature with Postgres, only tables types were processed by the code generator - not views. So here’s a standalone Ammonite script that contains the code needed to auto-produce Slick schemas that cover PG tables & views.
credit to for sending me down the right path on this one
This is an Ammonite Script
must be run with amm shell command
import ammonite.ops.pwd
import $ivy.{
import slick.codegen.SourceCodeGenerator
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver
import slick.driver.PostgresDriver.api._
import slick.jdbc.meta._
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
val url = "jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/postgres"
val user = "postgres"
val password = "postgres"
val db = Database.forURL(url, user, password)
// this call appears to be a wrapper around java.sql.DatabaseMetaData.getTables()
val tablesAndViews = MTable.getTables(None, None, None, Some(Seq("TABLE", "VIEW")))
val modelAction = PostgresDriver.createModel(Some(tablesAndViews))
val model = Await.result(, 5 seconds)
val codeGen = new SourceCodeGenerator(model)
* @param profile Slick profile that is imported in the generated package (e.g. slick.jdbc.H2Profile)
* @param folder target folder, in which the package structure folders are placed
* @param pkg Scala package the generated code is placed in (a subfolder structure will be created within srcFolder)
* @param container The name of a trait and an object the generated code will be placed in within the specified package.
* @param fileName Name of the output file, to which the code will be written
profile = "slick.driver.PostgresDriver",
folder = pwd.toString,
pkg = "com.example",
container = "TablesAndViews",
fileName ="TablesAndViews.scala"