Here’s a quick example of how to create a Kafka Producer that sends Avro-serialized messages.
Important Note: a running instance of the Confluent Schema Registry is required to produce Avro messages. Why?
When sending a message to a topic t, the Avro schema for the key and the value will be automatically registered in the schema registry under the subject t-key and t-value, respectively, if the compatibility test passes.
The ID of the schema is then embedded in the serialized message, in bytes 1-4. My guess is so a consumer will be able to pull the schema and deserialize the message. TODO: confirm that.
First, the dependencies:
name := "avro-junkie"
version := "0.0.1"
mainClass in assembly := Some ( "com.lombardo.avroJunkie.Main" )
scalaVersion := "2.11.8"
resolvers ++= Seq (
Classpaths . typesafeReleases ,
"confluent" at ""
libraryDependencies ++= Seq (
"org.scalatest" %% "scalatest" % "3.0.1" % "test" ,
"org.apache.kafka" % "kafka_2.11" % "" ,
"org.apache.avro" % "avro" % "1.8.2" ,
"io.confluent" % "kafka-avro-serializer" % "3.2.1"
import java.util.Properties
import org.apache.avro.Schema.Parser
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData
import org.apache.kafka.clients.producer. { KafkaProducer , ProducerRecord }
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
case class User ( name : String , favoriteNumber : Int , favoriteColor : String )
class AvroProducer {
val logger = LoggerFactory . getLogger ( getClass )
val kafkaBootstrapServer = sys . env ( "KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVER" )
val schemaRegistryUrl = sys . env ( "SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL" )
val props = new Properties ()
props . put ( "bootstrap.servers" , kafkaBootstrapServer )
props . put ( "schema.registry.url" , schemaRegistryUrl )
props . put ( "key.serializer" , "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer" )
props . put ( "value.serializer" , "io.confluent.kafka.serializers.KafkaAvroSerializer" )
props . put ( "acks" , "1" )
val producer = new KafkaProducer [ String , GenericData.Record ]( props )
val schemaParser = new Parser
val key = "key1"
val valueSchemaJson =
s """
"namespace": "com.avro.junkie",
"type": "record",
"name": "User2",
"fields": [
{"name": "name", "type": "string"},
{"name": "favoriteNumber", "type": "int"},
{"name": "favoriteColor", "type": "string"}
val valueSchemaAvro = schemaParser . parse ( valueSchemaJson )
val avroRecord = new GenericData . Record ( valueSchemaAvro )
val mary = new User ( "Mary" , 840 , "Green" )
avroRecord . put ( "name" , mary . name )
avroRecord . put ( "favoriteNumber" , mary . favoriteNumber )
avroRecord . put ( "favoriteColor" , mary . favoriteColor )
def start = {
try {
val record = new ProducerRecord ( "users" , key , avroRecord )
val ack = producer . send ( record ). get ()
// grabbing the ack and logging for visibility
logger . info ( s "${ack.toString} written to partition ${ack.partition.toString}" )
catch {
case e : Throwable => logger . error ( e . getMessage , e )
Here’s a main class to get this to run (and that handles the log4j configuration for the Apache dependencies)
package com.lombardo.avroJunkie
import org.apache.log4j.BasicConfigurator
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
object Main {
def main ( args : Array [ String ]) {
BasicConfigurator . configure ()
val logger = LoggerFactory . getLogger ( getClass )
logger . info ( "Starting the application" )
val producer = new AvroProducer
producer . start