I started out today wanting to learn more about Kafka Streams, which is an open-source library that enables rapid application development over an Apache Kafka infrastructure, by handling the plumbing part of the equation.

After poking around a bit I thought I would benefit more from actually building some of the plumbing myself, just to learn how all the pieces fit together.

So I ended up building on my sbt starter pack to make a basic Kafka stream processing app.

Here’s the code: https://github.com/lombardo-chcg/kafka-scala-consumer

I added the app to my growing Kafka/Docker stack, and here’s a mini-workflow to show how the pieces connect:

  1. Kick off a shell script that publishes a stream of mock “readings” using random numbers
  2. The script sends http requests to my rest producer app as JSON. The app publishes the JSON to a Kafka topic
  3. The new service consumes from that topic, taking each record and doing a basic “map” operation over it. (honestly it just takes the “reading”, doubles it, and prints out the result to standard out. but technically that is real time stream processing!!)

Try it out! Download the docker compose file here: https://github.com/lombardo-chcg/kafka-local-stack/tree/ch2

Open 2 terminal sessions.

Session 1:

# start containers
docker-compose up -d

# kick off the stream of input

Session 2:

# watch the streaming output
docker logs -f basic_stream_processor

This is the most ridiculously complex Hello World app in history…but I had some fun with it.