Here’s a quick and dirty Scala class that can be used to send messages to a slack channel. It uses the Simplified Http library and the native scala JSON parsing util.


import scalaj.http._
import scala.util.parsing.json._

class SlackMessanger {
  val SLACK_INTEGRATION_HOOK = "url for your slack integration hook goes here"
  // create an integration hook via slack's website

  def send(msg: String): HttpResponse[String] = {
    val data = Map(
      "channel" -> "#general",
      "username" -> "scala-slack-bot",
      "text" -> msg,
      "icon_emoji" -> ":ghost:"

    val requestBody = JSONObject(data).toString()

      .header("content-type", "application/json")

Take it further by using a Case Class for the slack message with defaults

case class SlackMessage(channel: String = "#general",
                        username: String = "my-bot",
                        text: String,
                        icon_emoji: String = ":satellite_antenna:")

// usage:
slackMessanger.send(SlackMessage(text = message))                        

Use the previously posted technique for turning Case Classes into Maps and you can pass the class right to the JSON util:

def send(msg: SlackMessage): HttpResponse[String] = {
  val requestBody = JSONObject(msg.toMap).toString()

    .header("content-type", "application/json")