Say you have an integration test environment where Docker ports are assigned randomly and cannot be assigned statically (due to the potential for port conflicts). Is there a quick was to stash the exposed port in a env variable?

Start a sample container for the example:

docker run -P -d --name random_port_container redis

docker ps --format "{{.ID}}-{{.Names}}: {{.Ports}}"
# 8736cdfdffa2-random_port_container:>6379/tcp

So basically we want to stash the exposed port 32769 in a variable. docker port to the rescue. And since the internal application port is static, that makes our job even easier.

docker port random_port_container 6379/tcp

sed for the win:

CONTAINER_PORT=$(docker port random_port_container 6379/tcp | sed "s|.*:||")

# 32769