I am a serious Docker Fanboy at this point and I learned another cool trick today.

docker stats

This command gives all kinds of useful insight, and also streams in real time so you can monitor as operations are occurring. When combined with logging, these stats can be a powerful debugging tool.

Once strange design decision is to include container ids and not container names in the standard output:

CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT       MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O           PIDS
11bff73591b9        0.19%               567.8 MiB / 1.952 GiB   28.40%              39.4 kB / 1.75 MB   24.6 kB / 0 B       23

My use case required the names of the containers to be present on the stats watcher, which is easily done with the standard Docker formatting option:

docker stats --format "table {{.Name}}\t{{.CPUPerc}}\t{{.MemUsage}}"

NAME                  CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT
scrabble-helper-api   0.18%               567.8 MiB / 1.952 GiB
redis                 0.18%               26.79 MiB / 1.952 GiB
postgres              0.00%               83.71 MiB / 1.952 GiB