custom bash prompt action
In a terminal session, every time a foreground process finishes a new prompt appears.
What is happening to cause this new prompt to appear?
There are 2 bash variables controlling this process. One is PS1
echo $PS1
#=> \[\e[0;34m\]\W\[\e[0m\] [\[\e[0;32m\]master\[\e[0m\]] $:
This variable contains the content that is displayed at your prompt. In my case the output is the current path and the git branch (if there is one) along with colors: [master] $:
There is another variable called PROMPT_COMMAND
which is evaluated every time just before the value of the PS1
variable is printed out. This can be used to echo the current time or check to run other commands you’d like to run before printing PS1. I imagine a fun use of PROMPT_COMMAND
would be to check the exit status from the previous command, and if it is greater than 1 do something helpful like print the command again or provide feedback based on the exit code.