Problem: I have a directory full of nested directories, which are themselves full of application code files. At runtime, I need to do a find-and-replace of some strings in these files.

Solution: use the bash powertools find and sed. Oh an we need a lil help from xargs to read the stream of file names from find stdout and pass them as arguments into sed.

gnu linux syntax:

# how it works
find <directory_location> -type f | xargs sed -i 's|<text_to_match>|<replacement_text>|g'

# example
find src/ -type f | xargs sed -i 's|||g'

on mac, in-place sed commands need an extra empty string before the substitute command (-i ''). this goes back to the lineage difference where mac is bsd based and linux has the gnu sed. example:

find src/ -type f | xargs sed -i '' 's|||g'