Today a quick experiment to examine different ways to handle errors in Scala. I’ll be doing this all in the scala REPL.

First, lets define a timer method that takes a function as an argument and runs it 1,000 times, then prints the elapsed time in ms:

import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}

def opTimer[T](operation: => T): Unit = {
  val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis

  for (i <- 1 until 1000) {
    Try(operation) match {
      case Success(x) => x
      case Failure(ex) => ex

  val endTime = System.currentTimeMillis

  println(s"""elapsed time ${endTime - startTime } ms""")

Next we’ll define a “safe” function that returns an Int, a function that returns a case class, and finally a function that throws an Exception:

def returnInt: Int = 50 + 50

case class Dinner(sides: List[String], mainCourse: String, time: String)
def returnCaseClass: Dinner = Dinner(List("broccoli", "potatoes"), "Pork", "7:00pm")

def throwException: Unit = throw new Exception("bad news bears")

Now let’s run them thru the timer:

// elapsed time 2 ms

// elapsed time 5 ms

// elapsed time 10 ms

The results are not too surprising. We can see that when an “error” case is needed in a decision tree, it is much more cost effective to return a custom “Error wrapper” case class with details than it is to throw an exception. In fact it performs twice as fast. It pays to think about error handling and performance.