Lazy Instantiation is a common pattern in software. I’ve seen it be used in dependency injection inside a web service. It turns out that Scala offers a similar behavior in their Stream class.

Here’s how I understand it:

  • a List in Scala comprises of a head element, which is the first item in the list
  • it also comprises of a tail, which are all the other elements.
val x = List(1,2,3,4,5)
// 1
// List(2, 3, 4, 5)

A Stream is similar to a list, but the difference is that the tail hasn’t been fully computed at the time of instantiation. From what I’ve been reading, applying this concept of Lazy Evaluation to a collection is a standard feature of functional programming.

While a Stream is theoretically infinite, it is possible to force an evaluation of the full stream which will quickly blow the memory on your JVM:

// warning: this will fail spectacularly if you run in a REPL
lazy val x = Stream.from(2)

I’m having trouble thinking of use cases for everyday programming, but I can imagine Streams being a powerful tool for algorithms. For example here’s a use case for the classic factorial solve:

def factorial(n: Int):Int = {
  Stream.from(1).take(n).foldLeft(1)(_ * _)


// 3628800

I’ve also seen some examples of prime number sieves using this Stream class. I hope to explore that in a future post.