The Problem: My local development environment and my deployment environment (Docker containers) don’t match and it is leading to unpredictable bugs.

The Unknown: How do I develop my applications inside a Docker container but still maintain a short feedback loop? (i.e. being able to see saved code changes instantly in the container, without having to kill and rebuild the container)

The Solution: Create a base image that mirrors the deployed image. For example, if you have a JavaScript one-page application that is served up in an Nginx container, create a base image with the same Nginx config. If the config file has a root location in var/web/assets where the index.html file usually lives, keep that configuration in place. But leave out the part in the Docker file where you ADD your code to the var/web/assets path.

Instead, when you run this development container, simply mount your local working directory in the container as a volume. Docker provides this functionality out of the box.

Assuming your index.html file is in a local directory called /public:

docker run \
-d \            # detached mode (container runs as a background job)
-p 80:80 \      # map the port number of the service in the container to the exposed port of the container
-v /$(pwd)/public/:/var/web/assets/  # mount your local directory (with the pwd command) in the container where root is specified

This way code can be developed in a tightly-loop environment that more closely mirrors the production environment.