the redis protocol
According to the Redis docs, “Redis clients communicate with the Redis server using a protocol called RESP (REdis Serialization Protocol)”
In a general sense, data serialization is the process of mapping human-readable data structures into collections of bits that can be stored and transmitted by computer systems reference.
So this process means taking data and converting it into a format for insertion into Redis. My use case here is preparing hundreds of thousands of lines of data in a txt
file for mass, one-time insertion into Redis.
The Redis docs are some of the best I’ve seen. The provide a detailed walkthru of mass insertion procedure including a Ruby example.
Here’s a typical Redis cli command to set a Key/Value pair into the database:
SET illinois springfield
Here’s what it looks like in Redis Protocol:
As you can see it is making use of ASCII characters:
for carriage return (returning to the beginning of the line)\n
for new line (line feed)
So we need to write a function to do this mapping. As I said there is a Ruby version on the Redis site, but I wanted to try it in Scala (since this is for my ongoing Scalatra/Docker project):
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets._
val generateRedisProtocol = (args: List[String]) => {
val protocol = new StringBuilder().append("*").append(args.length).append("\r\n")
args.foreach { arg =>
val length = arg.getBytes(UTF_8).length
}: String
scala> generateRedisProtocol(List("SET", "illinois", "springfield"))
# res0: String =
# "*3
# $3
# $8
# illinois
# $11
# springfield
# "
What’s nice about using a Scala List
as the input param is this function can be used to generate other Redis commands that have an indeterminate input length , such as a list (LPUSH mylist "hello" "world" "this" "is" "my" "list"
The multiline result from Scala is doing a literal interpretation on the escaped ASCII characters for newline and carriage return. Post coming soon about using this output to perform a mass data insertion into Redis.